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The Vision/Mission

Gospel Lighthouse Word Ministries' mission is to reach unsaved men and women with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by whatever righteous means sanctioned by the Holy Ghost and to prepare them to meet a soon and coming King. Our mission is to be accomplished through the below listed methods. To help you commit this mission statement to memory, remember we are a part of CHRIST'S BODY.


Carrying the Gospel

GLH exists for the sole purpose of witnessing to the lost. We are responsible for seven areas of witnessing concerning our Lord Jesus Christ, which include His redemption, righteousness, ruleship, resurrection, resources, return, and relevancy.


Holding up the standard

Our mission is to be standard bearers of righteousness in our home, on the job and in the community.


Representing God in a Greater Dimension

We desire to be identified in our respective cities as a church where people can come to find total deliverance from sin, sickness, and satanic oppression.


Incorporating Believers Into the Body of Christ

Once people are joined to this church, it becomes our total responsibility to assimilate them into the ministry through developing friendships, helping them become involved, helping them work together and helping them to grow in their faith. God expects from every member faith, faithfulness, fellowship, fruitfulness, forgiveness and finances.


Strengthening and Equipping Followers of Christ

Our mission is to equip followers of Christ for work of the ministry through worship and bible study, conferences to edify and enhance spiritual maturity, spiritual warfare training, Sunday School, training in street evangelism, home fellowship groups and children's church.


Transcending Stereotypes

Our mission is to counteract stereotypes often associated with predominately black Pentecostal churches: passive men, domineering women, storefront mentality, emotionalism vs sound doctrine, self-centeredness vs mission consciousness, disorganization etc.


Supplying Redemptive Solutions and Demonstrating Redemptive Acts

Our mission is to provide redemptive solutions to the social problems of welfare, delinquency, crime, school drop-out, substance abuse, teen pregnancy, AIDS, abortion, single parenting, child abuse, and poverty.


Building a Holy Habitation

Our mission is to develop a holy habitation of believers in Christ identified as the local church so that God may dwell among us in glory and power.


Opposing and Restraining All Unrighteousness

Our mission is to serve as a restraining force against all forms of unrighteousness. (Abortion, Racism, Abuse, Crime, Atheism, Etc…)


Discovering Individual Purpose

It is our goal that every member of our church will discover his or her place in the Body of Christ and become a contributing force to fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Yielding an Increase

Our church is committed to qualitative and quantitative growth and so are its members. This is accomplished by establishing our presence in the community, networking to maintain contact with the fish, proclaiming the Gospel, persuading people to accept Christ, helping new believers grow in Christ and helping people produce new believers.


The Church of Millennium


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